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The Birds ‘n the Bees


The tweetie birds, the buzzy bees
They do everything to please
Pollinating, making honey, singing songs
Then along we humans come and by 2051
We’ll have killed the poor wee buggers every one

Climate change, intensive farming, pesticides are really harming
Torn out hedges, poisoned water, lack of care
So as you stitch please stop and think
We all need food, we all must drink
As do creatures large and small, they’re getting rare

Plant some flowers to attract bees
Remember birds, don’t cut down trees
Put out some nice clean water, maybe food
Because it’s really not too late to reverse this sorry state
Birds and bees, and trees and flowers, we love you all

Comes to you in portable document format (pdf) with a tweet, and a buzz and just the faintest hint of violets which hangs evocatively in the air for hours.

  • Area in stitches: 151 x 151 stitches
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