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Peccadilloes are naughty, Peccadilloes are nice
They can be stitched up in a twinkling and sometimes in a trice
You can stitch them before breakfast, you can stitch them after tea
But when you’re with your Peccadillo, make sure that no one else can see!

Welcome to the naughty corner where the Peccadilloes all hang out. Long Dog Peccadilloes are the cross stitch equivalent of an extra marital affair, you know you shouldn’t but you just can’t help yourself. They’re little flirtations of the needle to be picked up and put down whenever the fancy takes you.

In the real world of hormones and lust, a “peccadillo” is a relatively minor sin of the flesh. It’s a misdemeanor, a brief loss of control or an amorous adventure which seldom lasts for long but is thrilling while it does. However, once you enter the Land of Long Dog, that shadowy world of Aida and threads, then the emphasis shifts somewhat. The mood changes and a Peccadillo becomes a pretty, portable pleasure. They’re the perfect travelling companion, whether for business or leisure, as they can be slipped unobtrusively into pocket or portmanteau with consummate ease; and considerable speed if you get caught “in the stitch”.

Nevertheless, a word of caution wouldn’t come amiss because Peccadilloes are the devil’s work, they’re charts for idle hands, swift to stitch and a joy when finished. They’re the original “quickie” that everyone fancies, involving minimal commitment and plenty of skin contact but with no actual penetration unless, of course, you get careless with your needle and manage to give yourself a nasty little prick.

All Peccadilloes are house trained, discreet, delightfully uncomplicated and come without baggage. There are three different shapes to choose from all of which can be stitched in any colour you please; the sky (blue or otherwise) is your only limit. The six squares all measure 145 x 145 stitches, the six band style are all 91 x 169 stitches and the six portrait shape are all 115 x 151 stitches. And, whether you decide to display them alone as a statement piece or in a whole pack, these little Long Dogs are guaranteed to look well when they’re hung.

Peccadilloes are priced at £6.50 each, or the special price of £15.00 for a combination of any three. They come to you via an email link in pdf format (which makes them easier to hide from prying eyes). The link expires after 12 months so you’d be well advised to download them immediately, tie them with a red ribbon like treasured love letters, and put them somewhere safe because souvenirs are always so much nicer than a fleeting memory of a past pleasure which eventually fades to nothing with the passage time.

Square 145 x 145 stitches

Band 91 x 169 stitches

Portrait 115 x 151 stitches

Square 145 x 145 stitches

Band 91 x 169 stitches

Portrait 115 x 151 stitches

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